Kia ora,

We are experiencing technical issues displaying data on some whenua block reports and are currently in the process of fixing this.

If you require a report while this issue is being resolved, please request this from us directly via:

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Updated: 12 December 2024

Mā te whenua e whanake ai te whānau
Reo: English | Māori
Reo: English | Māori

Mō mātou

Whakapā mai

Whakapā mai me he urupare, he pātai whānui rānei mō te pae tukutuku o

Mā te waea whenua

Waea mai ki tō mātou Tari Matua ki 0800 875 663, whakapā mai rānei ki tētahi o ngā tari ā-rohe.

Rapua ngā whakapānga mō ngā tari ā-rohe o Te Puni Kōkiri ki konei

Kāore he utu o ngā waeatanga mai i Aotearoa. E tuwhera ana ngā tari mai i te 8.30pm ki 5pm, i te Rāhina ki te Rāmere. Ka kati ngā tari i ngā rā whakatā a te motu whānui.

Tirohia ngā rā whakatā a te motu whānui ki konei.

Mā te īmēra

Whakapā mai mā te īmēra ki

Whakapā atu ki Te Puni Pāpāho ki mā ngā tono pāpāho.

Tonoa ngā kōrero i raro i te mana o te Official Information Act ki

Mā te poutāpeta

Ko tā mātou wāhi poutāpeta tēnei:

Te Puni Kōkiri

Pouaka poutāpeta 3943

Te Whanganui-a-Tara 6140

NZ Relay

Mā te NZ Relay Service koe e āwhina ki te whakapā mai ki a mātou mēnā:

  • kei te turi koe
  • kāore koe i te rongo tika
  • kāore koe i te kite tika
  • kei te turi, kei te kāpō hoki koe

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