Ko te tono pūtea, ko te mahi haumi rānei
Ko te whakarite tono pūtea
He tirohanga whānui i ngā ara ki te tono tautoko, tono pūtea, tono moni haumi, tono whiwhinga.
Check you're ready to seek funding
Before you apply, you need to make sure your Māori trust or incorporation is in order.
Check the process
The application process is different for different funding providers. Some might want you to complete an online form, others might want a detailed proposal submitted. Some might have an annual deadline to apply before, others might accept applications throughout the year.
Check their requirements and make sure you follow what they ask for.
Search for funding opportunities
Our regional advisors can help you find the right options in your rohe.
Contact a regional advisor through your local Te Puni Kōkiri office
Gather the documents
Once you know what the funding provider requires, gather the information they need.
Keep copies of everything you provide in an application. This will make it easier if you need to reapply, or if you need to provide similar information for a different funding application.
Submit the application
Once you've submitted the application, there will be a waiting period while the provider assesses your application to see if it meets their criteria.
They'll let you know whether or not it's been successful, and if it has you may need to negotiate the details of the agreement before signing a contract.