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We are experiencing technical issues displaying data on some whenua block reports and are currently in the process of fixing this.

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Updated: 12 December 2024

Mā te whenua e whanake ai te whānau
Reo: English | Māori
Reo: English | Māori

Ko te whakarite i te mahere rautaki

Ko te whakarite i te mahere rautaki

E hia kē nei ngā ara ki te whakarite mahere rautaki.  Kua kitea e mātou tētahi ara nā Jim Collins e kīia nei ko te “hedgehog concept”.  He pai mō ngā tini momo tarahati, ahakoa he nui, he iti rānei.

Our passion is what gets us out of bed every day. It's the reason we set up the trust, the stuff we really care about.

To work out the trust's reason for being, you need to get input from as many people as possible.

Talk about:

  • what we do and why do we do it
  • why we created the trust
  • what the future looks like for our whenua and whānau
  • who we're doing this for, and
  • what ideas whānau came up with during previous discussions.

Considering the potential of the whenua

To really get to the heart of this, try using the Socratic method of asking "why?" until you feel like you've got it.

For example, a trust in Te Tai Hauāuru used this method to understand their passion. Here's how they used the Socratic method.

They started by asking, "What do we do?" Their answer was "We actively manage a dairy farm business."

  • Why? Because we've seen an opportunity to create greater wealth and opportunity through excellence in governance and management by being actively involved in farming our whenua.
  • Why? Because we aspire to create the skills to have our own running our farms successfully.
  • Why? Because we believe by returning economic profitability to the land we will reunite whānau who have been distant for generations.
  • Why? Because utilising the land fully can bring benefits to whānau, nurture and strengthen mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga and provide a model for future generations to continue.

Their trust's reason for being: "To create the skills to have our own running our farms successfully."

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