Ko te whakarite i te mahere rautaki
Ko te whakarite i te mahere rautaki
E hia kē nei ngā ara ki te whakarite mahere rautaki. Kua kitea e mātou tētahi ara nā Jim Collins e kīia nei ko te “hedgehog concept”. He pai mō ngā tini momo tarahati, ahakoa he nui, he iti rānei.
Things to reflect on
- Have we run a good process that has involved and respected the input of all our whānau?
- When we reflect on the plan, does it align and reflect the aspirations we have previously said are important?
- Is what we have crafted achievable?
- Will it generate the passion we need to go forward?
Summing it up
For each of the 4 steps, summarise the key idea in a brief statement, ideally no more than one or two sentences.
You can have other documents, plans or policies that go into more detail if needed, but ideally you should have a single page summary that can be easily shared and understood.
Sharing the vision
This summary of your strategy can be used to give clarity about your vision and purpose to key stakeholders including owners, whānau, and funders and investors.
It's a great tool to recruit hearts and minds to your cause.