Ko te whakarite rautaki
He aha te mahere rautaki?
Ko te mahere rautaki ko te pikitia nui e ārahi ana i ā te tarahati mahi ki te whakatutuki i āna tūmanako.
What is a strategic plan?
Strategic planning is a process of working backwards from your vision to translate it into goals, and the steps you need to take to achieve them.
Your strategic plan defines your strategy. It's supported by your business plan, which breaks down the strategy into measurable actions to be completed each year.
Who needs a strategic plan
It's best practice for all trusts to have at least a basic strategic plan — a plan for how to achieve your objectives. It helps keep the trust on task and accountable to the owners.
What goes in a strategic plan
Your strategic plan should take a long-term view but be reviewed regularly.
There are many different ways to develop a strategic plan, but we've found the "hedgehog method" works for most trusts, whether big or small. It's about defining the focus.
The hedgehog method involves working through 4 key areas:
- What is our passion?
- What drives our engine?
- What are we the best at?
- What is our vision?
For other ideas on creating a strategic plan, check out the CommunityNet Aotearoa resources.