Ko te tarahati whakahaere tika
Ko te tono āwhina mō tō tarahati
Me aha ki te raru te tarahati ki te whiwhi whakaaetanga, ki te whakatutuki i ngā whāinga.
Revisit the trust's vision
Whatever issues a trust might be having, start by going back to the work you did early on to develop the trust's vision, culture and strategic plan.
Consider whether:
- trustees and owners still agree with the vision
- everyone is upholding the values agreed to in the trust's culture
- any work being done on the whenua is helping to achieve the strategy.
Get help from experts
You could start by talking to a Te Puni Kōkiri regional advisor — they work with many trusts and know their regions very well.
Contact your local Te Puni Kōkiri office
Kaimahi at the Māori Land Court can also help — they can do a review of your trust, help with mediation, or give you legal advice.
It could also be worth talking to Te Tumu Paeroa, the Māori Trustee. They can provide professional trustee services to help you get things sorted.