Kia ora,

We are experiencing technical issues displaying data on some whenua block reports and are currently in the process of fixing this.

If you require a report while this issue is being resolved, please request this from us directly via:

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Updated: 7 January 2025

Mā te whenua e whanake ai te whānau
Reo: English | Māori
Reo: English | Māori

Ko ngā tūranga me ngā haepapa o te kaitiaki

Ko ngā tūranga me ngā haepapa o te kaitiaki

E toru ngā tūmomo kaitiaki – kaitiaki whakahaere, kaitiaki tuarua whakahaere, kaitiaki ārahi. He haepapa motuhake kei tēnā, kei tēnā i roto i te tarahati.

Advisory trustees are often representatives of the owners, responsible for bringing the views of the owners to the responsible trustees. Or they might be someone who has a specific skillset brought in to provide advice to responsible trustees.

Advisory trustees:

  • bring the views of the owners to the trust's board
  • take part in decision-making, ensuring owners' views are represented
  • are not responsible for any of the trust's assets, though they can be involved in discussions and decision-making about the assets.

Advisory trustees do not have the same level of risk or legal responsibility as responsible or custodian trustees.

Acting as an advisory trustee can be a way of learning the job before becoming a responsible trustee, though there's no requirement to become a responsible trustee.

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