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Updated: 3 March 2025

Mā te whenua e whanake ai te whānau
Language: English | Māori
Language: English | Māori

Applying for succession

Submitting your application

When whānau are ready to succeed to the whenua, get in touch with kaimahi at the Māori Land Court — they can help you with your application.

You can submit your application:

  • by post, or
  • in person at any Māori Land Court office.

If you can, submit your form in person. It'll give you a chance to talk to kaimahi at the Māori Land Court to make sure you have everything you need in your application before you hand it in.

What it costs

It costs $60 to apply for succession. You need to pay the application fee when you apply. You can pay by:

  • cash
  • cheque, or

You may also be able to pay by bank transfer — this can be a good option if you live overseas. Talk to kaimahi at the Māori Land Court about setting up a transfer if this is the best option for you.

If you need help to cover the cost of your application, talk to a kaimahi at the Māori Land Court. Depending on your circumstances, they might be able to give you a discount or waive the fee altogether. If so, you’ll need to fill in a request form and submit it with your succession application.

Document A1 – Request for fee waiver, reduction or refund [PDF 191 KB]

If you have a Supergold card or a Community Services card, take it with you when you apply. You may be able to get a waiver or discount on the fees with your card.

If your application isn’t complete

When you submit your application form, the Māori Land Court will check it to make sure you’ve included everything they need.

If there’s anything missing in your application — if you've forgotten to include a particular document, for example — the Māori Land Court will return the form to you along with the fee. When you’ve completed your application, resubmit it with the payment.

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