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Updated: 3 March 2025

Mā te whenua e whanake ai te whānau
Language: English | Māori
Language: English | Māori


Planning for climate change

Get advice from experts before making plans on how to deal with potential effects of climate change.

Planning ahead

Most industries relating to whenua are likely to be affected in some way by climate change, for example by more droughts, wetter and windier conditions, rising sea levels and erosion.

Although we can't know what changes or events might take place, it's a good idea to start thinking about potential effects and how you might plan ahead for them. Think about developing an environmental plan, with advice from experts, to help you work out where to invest for environmental protection.

If you're farming or growing produce on your whenua, your local authority may require you to create a Farm Environment Plan (FEP). Check with your local council about the requirements for your whenua or planned development.

The Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) has templates you can use to create a Farm Environment Plan.

Farm Environment Plan templates

Minimising your effect

Part of your role as kaitiaki of the whenua should involve minimising your impact on the environment — but there may be more you can do.

It could be worth getting advice from experts in your industry on ways you can work to reduce your environmental impact. Talk to a TPK regional advisor for advice on how to connect with experts in your area.

Contact a regional advisor through your local Te Puni Kōkiri office

More information

Climate change information from the Ministry for the Environment

New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre factsheets

The Royal Society's Climate change implications for NZ factsheet

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