Realising whenua potential together
There are options available to support you if you want to develop or progress whenua Māori. Explore the potential of your whenua, and see how it can help whānau move forward together.

Considering the potential of the whenua
Things to think about and do if you have aspirations for your whenua.

Understanding whenua management
The day-to-day mahi on the whenua is known as whenua management. Find out what's involved.

Whenua leases
Find out what's involved in leasing whenua.

Developing a papakāinga on your whenua Māori can be a long process, but there's help available as you work through it.

Planning for climate change
Get advice from experts before making plans on how to deal with potential effects of climate change.

Search the land use fact sheets
Developing your whenua can provide economic benefits for your whānau. It can help generate jobs, training opportunities, and income. If you have aspirations for developing your whenua our land use fact sheets can help. They'll show you what kind of industries are successful in your region, and help you understand what you need to get started.

Applying for funding or investment
Before applying for support or funding, make sure your trust is in order and you're well prepared.

Māori land: funding opportunities | Whenua Kōkiri
There are 40+ funds, grants and investment opportunities whānau can apply for to help develop or progress whenua Māori. See what's available in your rohe.

What excellence looks like
If you and your whānau are exploring ways to develop or progress your whenua Māori, it can help to see what others have done with theirs. We’ve gathered examples of excellence together here, to help point you in the right direction for your whenua.