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Updated: 3 March 2025

Mā te whenua e whanake ai te whānau
Language: English | Māori
Language: English | Māori

Creating a business plan

Creating a business plan using a balanced scorecard

A balanced scorecard is one way to do a simple, shareable business plan.

Financial objectives cover things like the trust's budget, cashflow, investments and/or funding opportunities.

Your trust may not have a commercial vision, but will need pūtea to sustain the aspirations of whānau and owners.

This section needs to include your expenditure and income and could include targets for things like:

  • lease income
  • funding application approvals
  • expenses, for example upcoming hui or rates and insurances
  • revenue and profit
  • return on investments
  • distributions or grants to owners or whānau.

Financial objectives should align with targets and policies defined in an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) — if your trust has one. It is a good idea for your trust to have one, to provide a transparent guide for trustees to use when making decision about the pūtea related to the trust.

Developing an Investment Policy Statement

Examples of supporting resources

  • Investment Policy Statement
  • Budget
  • Funding applications.
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