About Us
Contact Us
If you have any whenua related queries, contact our National Office or one of our regional offices using the contact details below.
By phone
You can call our National Office on 0800 875 663 or contact us at one of our regional offices.
Find contact details for Te Puni Kōkiri regional offices
Calling us is free within New Zealand. We’re open 8.30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, and we’re closed on public holidays.
See dates for public holidays in Aotearoa
By email
You can contact us by email at TPKinfo@tpk.govt.nz
For media enquiries, email our Communications team at comms@tpk.govt.nz
By post
Our postal address is:
Te Puni Kōkiri
PO Box 3943
Wellington 6140
In person
Our street address is:
Te Puni Kōkiri House
143 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011.
NZ Relay
The New Zealand Relay Service (NZ Relay) can help you get in touch with us if you’re:
- deaf
- hearing impaired
- speech impaired, or
- deafblind.
Tupu website feedback
If you have feedback about the Tupu.nz website, you can contact us by email at TPKinfo@tpk.govt.nz